Friday, June 12, 2009

Folksonomies & Tagging

I think that delicious would be useful for reference. In the delicious account that I created for this 191session isdtref , I have started to add some useful reference sites including AskNow's delicious site from nla which I think is excellent. I like that way that the site that I have just created can be accessed from any computer and can be shared e.g. in this case the reference team would have access to the password and could add and edit sites as required. Tag clouds are great.

When I searched for bookmobile in keyword in Technorati I got 191 hits and in advanced phrase search 188 hits so keyword probably picks up bookmobiles as well.

I already have a personal Library Thing account so I didn't create a new one for this exercise. I really like it as I often forget the title or author of good books that I have read. I rate them and add the image of the exact cover of the book that I have read if it is available as it makes it easier to find. I had a look at Shelfari - it looks good too but I'm happy to stick with Library Thing.